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New York City


New York City

So, I mentioned in my last post that I was in New York City. I was a little jet-lagged that I slept so much over the weekend. This week, I still feel tired. It doesn’t help when at work is another busy week!

It was just a 5D 4N short stay in NYC but an amazing trip! Yes, it was my first time to NYC, believe it or not.  So, there was so much to do and to see. I think it was just ideal to have decided a 5-day trip as we practically did what we planned to. I did the touristic stuff and shop my way from Fifth Avenue to SoHo. There were so many things to see and buy, but, it wasn’t as interesting as before when £1 = $1.90!! This time to the US, the exchange was just £1=$1.40, darn!

OK, I am still jet-lagged.. (no, actually pretty tired today). I thought I would share with you guys some highlights of my trip to NYC with some photos for them to speak for themselves. So, I will not drag on longer.

1. Top of the Rock, Rockefeller Center Observation Deck

An amazing view of New York when you go up to the top of the Rockefeller centre. The view is just amazing and it feels so tranquil! The Empire State Building – a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper is beautiful!

2. Explore NYC by walk (not all the time though! Subway is ok, taxi is not too expensive.)

We stayed at Hotel 57. It’s about 15 minutes walk to Central Park. And just minutes from all the shops on Fifth Avenue and Lexington Avenue. The day after we arrived was pretty cold and we discovered a new drink at Starbucks – London Fog. If you love floral earl grey tea with Italian bergamot, vanilla and lavender, then this drink if for you! Ok, I came back and craved for a London Fog… to my disappointment, Starbucks here don’t have it! 🙁

3. Time Square by night

Time Square is awesome!! The lights make my head spin! What a cosmopolitan NYC! By the way, the picture on the right was taken just outside of B&H! It’s no longer cheaper to get DSLRs and lens in the US. For Nikon users, the price of Nikon DSLR has increased on both body and lens!! Bad news! Now, it’s cheaper to buy electronic stuff in the UK!

4. Lunch at Bonchon

I have read a lot about the fried chicken at Bonchon. I started to learn how the Korean people love their fried chicken. I was wondering what’s so special about it? So, we went to try! Well, I know the answer after I tried it – simply delicious! Not oily,so crispy,  simply delicious, and lovely garlic and soy sauce! Much better than KFC and Nandos!

5. Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty (French: Statue de la Liberté) was presented to the United States by the people of France in 1886. This is another amazing sight for me!

6. Chinatown, Little Italy & SoHo

We went to Chinatown in NYC for probably 3 times! The first time, we went to meet up Lesley from Beachloverkitchen and her lovely daughter. It was glad to see her and her cute daughter. We had lunch at Nyonya that serves Malaysian food. It was OK (not surprisingly delicious) we both thought. SoHo is great for shopping!!

OK, the picture below shows a Chinese man choosing frogs. I asked him how he chooses. He told me the male frogs are more tasty because of texture of their meat. I don’t know if it’s true as I have no idea at all! And I forgot to ask him how he differentiates male and female frogs!

7. 230 Fifth

Nice bar with rooftop garden and penthouse lounge! Amazing night niew too!

8. Central Park

It’s great to have a park in the middle of the city to escape for tranquility. We went there twice. It snowed on the second time when we were there. Everything looked so nice in the snow and so different! And I took the opportunity to play in the snow again!!

Right, that basically sums up my trip to NYC. Wait a minute.. yeah, I know I mentioned that I went to Chinatown for 3 times. Why so many times? The last 2 times were to satisfy our tastebuds. We were addicted to Banh Mi Saigon (Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich)!! It was so good that we purposely went to Mott St just for it! (Well, I think it was more of my idea!! :P) This is something that I want to recreate at home! Stay tuned for my recipe for Banh Mi soon!!


  • Nicole says:

    I live inside the New Yorker!

    I’m glad you had a great trip! Your photos are beautiful.

  • Brilliant, I am planning a trip to NY early June, this is very helpful! :)))

  • lk says:

    What a fruitful (n foodful) 5D4N trip! Your photos are gorgeous esp Statue of Liberty! The sky is so BLUE. I can hardly see this in the city now.

  • nina says:

    I could not look past that bucket full of frogs…I have a phobia and was horrified. You captured the city beautifully, well done!!!

  • dewi says:

    Nice photos, so beautiful.

    May I know what camera are you using.

  • Alice says:

    I believed you had a wonderful trip. Food and your photography are awesome and fantastic! I just love it.

  • Cheryl Ng says:

    Great photos, your night shots captures the feeling so well. What a gorgeous bar too. I feel like flying over to NYC right now! 🙂 And I’m putting fried chicken first on my list.

  • Jesse says:

    Hahaha, now that you mention it… yeah, how DO they differentiate between male and female frogs?? I love your pictures, they’re so beautiful and clear!

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Wow… you live inside the New Yorker, nice!! Yup, it was nice! So nice that I hope to go again!!
    Thanks for your comment! 🙂

    It would be awesome in June I think! I haven’t done much of museums though. But went to Bodies Exhibition at South St Sea Port, it was good!

    heheh.. yeah it was a nice trip!! The weather on that day when we visited Statue of Liberty was great but still quite chilly.

    Even though I like to eat frogs… if I saw them like that before, I won’t eat. Thanks for your compliment!

    Thank you! I use Nikon D90.

    Yeah.. I really enjoyed it!! So much so that I was sad on the last day! 🙁
    Thanks for your kind words 🙂

    Thank you for your comment! Yes – the fried chicken is a must try!!

    I should have asked that question to the man who was choosing his frogs!!
    Thanks for your comment 🙂

  • giovanna says:

    thank you, beautiful photos and post!

  • All of your photos are gorgeous! I particularly like the Chinese man choosing frogs…fascinating!

  • Vanille says:

    Looks you had some good time ! Thanks to share this trip with us. Very nice photos !

  • I haven’t been to NYC for almost 10 years. When I travel, I travel overseas. Love walking on the streets of NYC, it’s so vibrant and lively.

  • leemei
    wow! in short 5 days you guys been to all over the places..I live here for 15 years also never visit some of the malu la.Glad I’m able to meet both of you:)the Saigon Vietnamese Sandwich look good .anyway,we think the one at East Broadway ,next to Bus Depot is the best!! all the time when I was there they closed! why? coz they only open until 3pm ..don’t care ,coz they think if you really wanna to eat my food,come back tomorrow!!

  • tigerfish says:

    I have not been to NYC! :O But I hope to make it there one day. Beautiful photos 🙂

  • Jescel says:

    nice pic. what a nice trip for you. i’ve not been to NYC so that convinced me even more that my next trip should be there! thanks.

  • ina says:

    My sister just came back from USA, New York. She was very touched, she liked a lot. I’ve seen the same things in her photos. 🙂 Great!

  • Mike says:

    Hey, gorgeous pictures, I love NYC !

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Joie de vivre,
    Thank you! It was amazing to see how he chose the frogs!!


    Rasa Malaysia,
    Lucky you!! 🙂

    Yes! We did a lot in 5 days! We woke up very early everyday (not that we wanted to but I guess it was jet-lagged)!! We didn’t make it to the Statue of Liberty after our meeting cos they had closed! And the weather that day was awful. We went there the following day, with surprisingly good weather!
    Hey, next time, I want to try the one at East Broadway. I heard that Baoguette on Lexington Ave is good too!

    Thank you! You should go to NYC, it’s wonderful!

    Thank you! Glad that I have convinced you. 🙂 You should make a trip there.

    Thank you!

    Thank you! 🙂

  • Sefa says:

    Stunning photos Leemei. You really are talented.

    Thanks for bringing me to NY through your beautiful photos.

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Thank you! I am still learning, trust me. 🙂

  • Ai Leng Choo says:

    Hi Lee Mei,
    As usual I am late in posting a comment.
    Next time you come to New York, I would love to show you some good eating places, including Japanese ramen places. So, don’t hesitate to contact me. It would be my pleasure to meet you and take you to some unique makan places. Glad you enjoyed NYC. And I enjoyed your snapshots.
    Working downtown, I go to Chinatown quite often myself … and yes, there are a few hole-in-the wall places that have delicious food at reasonable prices. As for Nyonya restaurant, I used to go there a lot but in the past year, I found that their food standard has slipped, unfortunately.
    I agree that the Vietnamese sandwiches are to die for!

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Hi Ai Leng,
    Hey!! That’s very nice of you! I will let you know when i go to NYC next time.. and it would be nice to check out makan places!! 🙂
    You are so lucky!! Cos I really like the Chinatown in NYC, it’s tripled the size of the one in London!
    Now I really miss Vietnamese sandwiches.. I really want to make it at home one day to stop my craving! 🙂

  • fiwedding says:

    Now I really miss Vietnamese sandwiches.

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