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Triple Chocolate Brownies


Triple Chocolate Brownies

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I am really glad to have known Lai Kuan from Food for Tots through her blog. It wasn’t too long ago that Lai Kuan invited me to be a guest on her blog. I agreed immediately! I thought it was a great honour to be featured on her blog! Lai Kuan is another talented Malaysian food blogger who currently resides in Singapore. I really love her style of cooking. And the idea behind her blog is just wonderful – simple and healthy recipes that are suitable for toddlers!

Lai Kuan and I couldn’t escape the temptation of chocolate, hence, we agreed to share the recipe of Triple Chocolate Brownies! Please hop over to Food for Tots for my guest post and the recipe for triple chocolate brownies! Again, Lai Kuan, thank you very much for this opportunity to feature on your blog! It has been a great pleasure to know you! 🙂

Triple Chocolate Brownies

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For the Triple Chocolate Brownies:

150g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
200g plain choc0late, chopped
175g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 large eggs
75g plain flour, sifted
100g white chocolate, cut into 5mm-1cm chunks
100g milk chocolate, cut into 5mm-1cm chunks
Cocoa powder, for dusting


1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3. Grease and line the based and 2 sides of a 20cm square cake tin with 1 piece of baking paper (this makes the brownie easy to lift out of the cake tin).

2. Place the chocolate and butter in a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water (don’t let the bowl touch the water) and heat, stirring occasionally, until melted. Remove the bowl from the pan and cool slightly.

3. Using electric beaters, beat the caster sugar and vanilla into the chocolate mixture. Whisk in the eggs, 1 at a time, until the mixture is well combined. Then, add the sifted plain flour and beat until the mixture is smooth. Stir in the white and milk chocolate chunks.

4. Pour the mixture into the lined tin and bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the brownie comes out with a few moist crumbs.

5. Allow to cool completely in the tin before removing the brownie from the tin using the paper as handles. Cut into 20 squares and serve dusted with cocoa powder.



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