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Spinach Salad Campagnarde-Style


Spinach Salad Campagnarde-Style

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I bought 2 fresh bunches of spinach when I was at Portobello Market at 90p each. Given a choice between Tesco or Sainsbury’s or M&S or Waitrose already washed, ready to eat and nicely packed spinach and those from farmers’ markets, I think I would prefer to pick my own fresh spinach that are unwashed, tight in a bunch with rubber bands, then wrapped in brown paper bags.

I have to agree with Pixie from You Say Tomato I Say Tomato that I love the vibes at farmers’ market too. When I was little, I liked to follow my mom to the market. Even until now. I remember I had my little basket and my mom had a big one. Nothing could be much more exciting than seeing fresh vegetables, seafood, fruits, poultry,… etc. And to be able to choose the items in the quantity we desired, also to negotiate.

With the spinach that I bought, I decided to make Salade Campagnarde aux Epinards (Spinach Salad Campagnarde-Style. Spinach salad campagnarde-style is so easy to make and so tasty with the fresh leaves that I bought directly from the farmer instead of through the supermarket chains. They definitely taste sweeter (This is not my imagination, it’s true!)

Right. If you would like to try my version spinach salad campagnarde-style, following is the recipe and method.

Spinach Salad Campagnarde-Style

Prep Time:

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For the Spinach Salad Campagnarde-Style:

2 medium potatoes, peeled
100g diced bacon
200g spinach
50g cherry tomato, halved
2 hard boiled eggs, quartered
some croutons


4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
0.5 tsp Dijon mustard
salt and pepper


1. Boil the potatoes for 7-8 minutes until soft. Set aside. When cold enough to handle, cut into chunky cubes.

2. Meanwhile, lightly whisk all the ingredients for the dressings and set aside.

3. In a pan, fry the bacon the lardons until they are golden brown and crispy. Set aside.

4. Put spinach, cherry tomatoes and potatoes in a salad bowl and give it a good toss. Serve a enough portion on individual plates. Sprinkle the lardons on the salad. Then, add some croutons.

5. Then, arrange the hard boiled eggs on top. Drizzle a good amount of dressing over the salad. It’s then ready to be served.


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