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Salmon & Vegetables en Papillote


Salmon & Vegetables en Papillote

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2 persons

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I can’t stress how much I love my food cooked en papillote“En papillote” (“in parchement”) illustrates the technique of cooking and serving food wrapped in paper. This method is very common in french cooking. Not only fish can be cooked this way but chicken too. I previously use “en papillote” method to steam sea bream in chinese way.

“Meal in a bag” is such a simple method and incredibly healthy as it’s equivalent to the method of steaming. Not to mention that the flavours are sealed in during the cooking process. The bag slightly swells as steam is produced and you finally get a meal in a bag!

These days, my working life has been very demanding. So, all I favour on my menu is quick and healthy meal that doesn’t require me to spend lots of time in the kitchen. It could probably be the stress at work that makes me gets hungry as soon as I reach home!

I learnt that serving a colourful array of fruits and vegetables makes the meal more interesting. Not that it pleases our eyes but it helps us to get wider range of healthy nutrients such as vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. Antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and even help to slow down the ageing process! “Eat your greens” used to the what we all have been told. But, nowadays it’s more to “eat your reds, yellows, oranges, blues, purples….”

You may be interested to know which colour bring us what kind of nutrients:

  • Red fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, raspberries and redcurrants, are all good sources of vitamin C.
  • Yellow pineapples are known to contain and enzyme called bromelin, that helps with arthritis and inflammatory problems. Bananas are packed full of energy and are a good source of potassium.
  • Orange fruits and vegs – like carrots, pumpkins, mangoes and apricots – contain carotenoids, which are powerful anti-oxidants that help combat heart disease, cancer and prevent premature ageing.
  • Blues, such as plums, blueberries, blackberries and blackcurrants, contain combinations of vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, and bacteria-inhibiting anthocyanins.
  • Greens, which are packed full of many different vitamins and minerals, many of which are very valuable in preventing heart disease.

For my salmon en papillote, as you can see, I have green, orange, red, and yellow! Very colourful, healthy and yummy!!

Salmon & Vegetables en Papillote

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2 persons


For the Salmon & Vegetables en Papillote:

2 salmon fillets
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp lemon juice
10 cherry tomatoes
100g mange tout
6 slices lemon
6 slices orange
a few sprig thymes
a pinch of sea salt
black pepper


1. Cut parchment paper into square, big enough to be able to accommodate and wrap all the ingredients into a package. Then, preheat the oven at 180°C.

2. Rub the salmon with sea salt and black pepper. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and add the lemon and orange juice.

3. Arrange the cherry tomatoes and mange tout around the fish. Add the orange and lemon slices on top of the salmon. Add a few sprigs of thyme to finish off.

4. Fold the paper in half lengthwise to close and roll the edges together to seal the packets. Place salmon en papillote on the baking tray/dish and cook for about 15 – 20 minutes.



  • Kristin says:

    Hmmmm, that looks so yum!!

  • nina says:

    Beautiful pictures as usual and the meal is absolutely stunning and good for you at the same time!!!Wow!

  • lk says:

    I luv to use a combination of red, yellow/ orange & green colour in preparing meals for my family. Guess we are lack of blue. How abt mushrooms? Btw, where can I get baking parchment?

  • Beautiful colors. I love the citrus with the salmon…

    p.s. good luck with your move!

  • tigerfish says:

    I want to try this! It looks so delicious and just the recipe I like – easy and nutritious. Is there a particular way to fold the “bag”?

  • kat says:

    Hi Leemei. What a simple and fuss-free way of cooking salmon! And best of all, minimal washing up too!!

    What kind of paper do you use? Baking paper? Will aluminium foil work as well?

    I was reading an old issue of BBC Good Food Mag – did you once contribute a chicken recipe using Thai basil?

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Yup!! It’s very healthy too!

    Thanks! Yeah – this meal is just healthy and easy to make!

    Mentioning about blue – I can’t think of what vegs are blues…. but for fruits, blueberry is one. Talking about colours, I recently start to like eating purple sprouting broccoli… so much better than broccoli! And it’s purple.. how cool is that!
    For the parchment paper, I think you can get it at the major supermarkets. I got my either at Sainsbury’s or Tesco.

    Thank you!

    I cut my parchment paper into rectangular – big enough to put all the ingredients in it. Then, fold the paper in half lengthwise, make small folds repeatedly. After that, gather both edges, start to make small folds inward until you form a package.

    Hello! I like your thinking esp the ‘minimal washing up’… hehe
    Yes – I use baking paper. It usually comes in white or brown. Aluminium foil will work too.

    I contributed recipe to Olive magazine for my Thai Basil Beef noodles recipe.

    So, not sure if it was what you were referring to.

    Anyway, thanks for dropping by.

  • Meeta says:

    This is not only way a easy and aromatic way to cook salmon but i find it is perfect for any kind of event. lovely looking dish!

  • kat says:

    Yeah.. I think that’s the one! Sorry about the confusion! I was reading some backdated issues of Olive and Good Food at the same time, so must have gotten them mixed up! 😀

    I remember thinking how I miss all those easily grown herbs which can be found just about anywhere, and now that I am out of the country I have to pay through my nose just to get some kaffir lime leaves and serai!! 😀

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Thank you! I also think it’s perfect for any kind of event! 🙂

    Ahh!! Ok!
    Where do you live?

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    devan c,
    ehehe 🙂

  • ah moi cheah says:

    can we find this En papillote in M'sia? Is using Aluminium foil same?

  • maggie says:

    I am a Chinese customer,I saw your website, Do you know the vegetable parchment paper? I want to buy the vegetable parchment paper,but I don’t know the paper company’s name or website,Do you know the vegetable parchment paper name?Can you tell me that?thanks very much~I’m waiting for your answer

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