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Microleave & Edible Flower Salad


Microleave & Edible Flower Salad

Prep Time:

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I have been extremely busy and felt like there too many things to get done but have too little time. It is one of those days that you just want to not think about anything, sit back and relax. June is going to be a really demanding month too. Hopefully, I will be able to cope and post as frequent as I should. I have been doing some housekeeping on my blog – this is one of those things that I have been busy with. So, stay tuned for a different look and feel soon!!

Weather has started to get warmer, the day also has started to get longer. To be honest, I haven’t been cooking a lot for my blog (I’m sorry for lacking of new posts!),  which I really hope to plan ahead for more yummy posts soon. These days, I am more keen to make something quick, simple and delicious. Though, there are times when I do want to try out making things that I have never tried making before. I have quite a number of those that are still on my to do list, I will make sure I try them out this year, we are in June, so I still have 6 months to get them done.

I have always like edible flowers and thought of getting them online. One day, I was at Marks & Spencer, browsing the vegetable section. Then I saw some boxes of salad which were on special offer. I took a box and had a look. The label reads something like ‘microleave & edible flower salad’. I was really excited when I saw a few colourful and edible flowers. Without thinking twice, I grabbed 2 boxes, left the supermarket happily!

That evening, when I got home, I thought it would be better for me to use the salad leaves fresh, instead of storing them in the fridge for the next day. I checked my fridge and saw I had some eggs, cherry tomatoes and a small block of Pecorino cheese, which were enough to make a big serving of simple yet delicious colourful salad! When when I was dishing up my salad, I thought it was probably the most pretties salad I’ve ever had!

Microleave & Edible Flower Salad

Prep Time:

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For the Microleave & Edible Flower Salad:

300g microleave & edible flower salad
1 hard boiled egg, halved
80g pecorino cheese, shaved
100g cherry tomato, halved

For the Dressing:

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper


Toss the salad leaves and edible flowers in a large bowl and drizzle over the dressing. To serve, place in the middle of a large plate and arrange the hard boiled egg, cherry tomato and pecorino cheese on the salad.



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