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Lamb Rack In Red Wine Sauce With Micro Leaves


Lamb Rack In Red Wine Sauce With Micro Leaves

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The Queen Jubilee weekend went pass so quickly! Monday and Tuesday are public holidays in the UK and I am glad to have seen the whole event on the TV in my comfy home. The weather was pretty bad on Sunday during the Thames Pageant. I wasn’t out and about but managed to catch some scenes on the Thames river.

Days off give me more time to cook good food at home. When I saw the lamb rack from New Zealand at the supermarket, I just couldn’t resist not to try out. It looked fresh and tender, which I thought would be great for Sunday lunch. I wanted to make it just a little bit more elaborate, so I decided to make some red wine sauce to go with it. And serve the lamb with some micro leave salads. I love those micro leaves – pea shoots and red radish sprouts, they are pretty and great as salad!

Lamb isn’t something very common for me as my mom has never cooked anything other than seafood, pork, chicken and vegetables. I started to learn more about other meats, particular red meats when I was at college and university. I have learnt even more after I travelled to different countries.

It must have been in France when I first tried a very delicious lamb dish – it was Pyrenean milk fed lamb – very tender, succulent with delicate flavour. The ewes give birth to the lambs in the mountains and the lambs suckle only on their mother’s milk for up to 42 days. They are reared in the foothills of the Pyrenees.


Even though the lamb rack that I bought weren’t from Pyrenees, it looked good enough for me! I didn’t want to complicate the dish since I was going to serve with the red wine sauce. So, I just seasoned it with salt and pepper, sealed the meat in a hot grill before put it in the oven to continue to cook. I usually like my meat medium if not well done. Regardless of the weight, a lamb rack should be cooked in the oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes for rare, 30-35 minutes for medium and 40-45 minutes for well done. It is important to check the doneness of the meat from time to time.

Tomato Risotto

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For the Lamb Rack In Red Wine Sauce With Micro Leaves:

300g rack of lamb
salt and pepper

Red Wine Sauce:
2 tsp olive oil
2 shallots, finely chopped
1/2 small carrot, finely chopped
250ml red wine
300ml beef/chicken stock
20g butter

Micro Leaves Salad:
50g pea shoots
50g red radish sprouts
80g red watercress
some extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper


1. Preheat the oven at 200°C. Season the rack of lamb with salt and pepper. Heat up a grill pan and when it’s hot enough, grill each side of the rack for 2-3 minutes. Transfer to a roasting tray, covered with foil and continue to cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes for rare, 30-35 minutes for medium and 40-45 minutes for well done.

2. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, add in the shallots and carrot in olive oil. Cook until they are soft and slightly caramelised. Add the red wine, cook until all the alcohol has evaporated and reduced until it becomes syrupy. Pour in the beef stock, reduce until the sauce reached a coating consistency. Sieve into a bowl, discard the solid. Return the liquid into the saucepan and bring to a simmer, add the butter, whisk until the sauce thicken. Keep warm.

3. Meanwhile, add all the salad leaves in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and dressed with some extra virgin olive oil.

4. Remove the lamb from the oven and allow to stand, covered, in a warm place for 10 minutes to allow the juices to be absorbed back into the meat. Cut the lamb into individual cutlets, pour over some red wine sauce and served with dressed micro leaves.


  • Rosa says:

    A delicious dish! That wine sauce is fabulous.



  • A_Boleyn says:

    I took the day off and slept for 10 hours as I was exhausted and seem to be developing another cold. Now, I get a chance to read my email in a leisurely fashion and enjoy the wonderful dishes the blogs I subscribe to are posting. I enjoy lamb as well but don’t get it very often as it’s quite pricey to get either locally raised or imported New Zealand lamb. This dish looks like it would be very tasty especially with those lovely micro greens.

    • Oh dear,hope you are feeling better. Sleeping for 10 hours sounds great!
      I have to agree that imported and good lamb are quite pricey. I only had it once in a while. This dish is great for dinner party and I fell in love with micro leaves!

  • Tanvj says:

    My husband is such a lamb lover. I will try this recipe for him. The pairing with micro greenes sounds perfect!

  • Wow, your photo is sensational! I am not a huge fan of lamb but your dish is quite tempting for me to try. The wine sauce sound great and I love the combination with micro greens. Lovely presentation!

  • noobcook says:

    Your photography is so gorgeous as always! I will try out something from your cookbook this weekend. Sorry I took so long, things crop up for me recently =(

  • thefrancofly says:

    What a beautifully, diamond-worthy recipe! But quick question;what kind of micro-salad is pictured?

    • Hi Jessie,
      Thanks for stopping by and that gets me to know your blog! 🙂
      I have used pea shoots and red radish sprouts. The other is red watercress (not micro leaves though).

  • Lisa H says:

    Wow… beautifully presented n i love those micro herbs shot
    I love lamb…but cant eat much of late…too ‘heaty’ n gives me pounding head 🙁

    • Thanks!
      I don’t eat lamb too often but I have to admit that the meat was tender and succulent. Once in a while to indulge in this kind of meat with great quality makes me in heaven!

  • Although I’m not a fan of lamb, still this dish looks very attractive to me. Your pictures are beautiful as always.

  • I love lamb but the rest of the Glams aren’t keen. I often order it in restaurants and this looks as delicious as any I’ve had in a restaurant. Great Pageant photos. GG

  • Leemei, your landscape photography looks amazing! I realized I’m not very good at taking kids pictures and landscape… not that I’m saying I can take good pictures of food, but it’s at least “easier” for some reason. I probably need more practice on taking moving kids pictures. What a lovely dinner, just like restaurant! Very elegant look! Thank you!

    • Nami,
      Thanks for your kind words. I am still learning! I think it is true that it seems easier to take good food pictures because there are only a few factors that could affect still life. So, as long as we know what these are and prepare for them every time, then there won’t be much surprises.
      As for landscape/people photography, there are many factors that could affect the shooting process and a lot of time, it could be out of our expectations etc. I definitely believe in practice makes perfect. 😉

  • food-4tots says:

    Lamb and beef are two meats that I haven’t explored so far. Your lamb is cooked to perfection!! It will definitely take me ages to master this skill. Love your stunning clicks! 😉

  • Mei Teng says:


    Re your food photos. Do you shoot with lighting set-ups? What kind of props do you use for a food photoshoot? Or are you a photographer who shoots in available light?

    I prefer to shoot in available light as the set-up is less complicated and I can focus more on composition etc.

    • Mei Teng,
      I mostly and prefer to shoot in natural light. However, there are times when the weather doesn’t allow, which I then have to shoot using artificial lighting i.e. softboxes.

  • Anil says:

    is this recept for 4 people ?? and i though for rear lambs rack u have to cook it for like 8-10 min

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