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Grilled Prawns with Asian-Style Mango Salsa


Grilled Prawns with Asian-Style Mango Salsa

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I am really looking forward to a warmer weather as we have been having horrible rainy spring for almost 3 weeks now. It rains almost everyday, if not grey and cloudy. The sun might shine for a few hours if we were lucky.

As far as I could remember, March started out well but a few days into the first week of April, the temperature plummeted and it has been such since. Thus, I am hoping that the summer will be warm and sunny, though I don’t put a lot of hope as the summer in the UK is too temperamental!

When the day is sunny, it makes me feel like making something to welcome summer days that are bright, dry and warm. Thus, the idea of grilled prawns. I love eating prawns. It’s one of my favourite seafood. Buying fresh prawns can be expensive in London, especially those big ones. So, other option is buy frozen ones. I like to buy either with shell on or just shell on the tail. Depending on what kind of dishes I want to make. Those with shells on are great if you want to use them as the main ingredient for a dish. Otherwise, with tail on or without would be the most convenient.

I seldom buy cooked prawns unless I want to serve them with salad leaves or as starters that are served at room temperature. As double cook the prawns will make them too chewy. Another good way to use cooked prawns are to add them in a soup or soup noodle, especially when they just need to be heated up.

As a way to bring a taste of summer at home, I grilled the prawns and serve them with mango salsa. The dish doesn’t only look summery, but after eating the prawns with mango salsa, it brought me straight into summer mood. 🙂

Grilled Prawns with Asian-Style Mango Salsa

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For the Grilled Prawns with Asian-Style Mango Salsa:

10 prawns, rinsed, trimmed and deveined
1/2 tsp olive oil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp tomato powder (optional)
salt & pepper

For the Asian-Style Mango salsa:

1 tbsp lime juice
1 1/2 tsp caster sugar
1 tsp fish sauce
1 ripe mango, peeled and cut into small dice
1/2 red pepper, cut into small dice
a small handful of chopped mint leaves and some extra whole leaves for garnishing
a small handful of chopped coriander leaves and some extra whole leaves for garnishing


1. Put the prawns in a bowl, add the olive oil, garlic powder, tomato powder, salt and pepper. Mix well and leave to marinate for 20-25 minutes.

2. Heat a griddle pan until searingly hot. Meanwhile, to make the dressing, add the lime juice, caster sugar and fish sauce in a bowl. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the mango and red pepper, mix to coat. Add the mint and coriander leaves, mix well. Chill for 7-8 minutes.

3. Place the prawns onto the hot griddle pan and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, until opaque and pink in colour. Serve these immediately with the dressing and the reserved mint and coriander leaves.



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