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Easy 15-Minute Noodle Soup


Easy 15-Minute Noodle Soup

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2 persons

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When you are starving, how quick do you want your food? For me, I want it now! Well, let’s be sensible. I would give myself 10-15 minutes to cook something real quick and delicious. However, there are times when you have certain dishes that you want to eat but don’t have the specific ingredients in the fridge nor in the larder. I face this kind of situation a lot and am not willing to make a trip to the supermarket. So, the only option I usually end up is to see what I have in the fridge and the larder.

I checked my fridge, I had a box of organic sausages, 2 eggs and a Japanese-style flat cabbage. Then, in the larder, I had half a packet of Pho noodles and other of essentials such as toasted sesame seeds, Korean chilli pepper powder, fried shallots.. etc. In my freezer, I had a few packets of chicken stock that I froze in 600ml portion. When I saw these ingredients, I kind of knew immediately what I wanted to cook. A simple and flavoursome noodle in a soup, which is something that can be cooked within 15 minutes!

For the sausages, I removed the meat from the casing and roughly shaped them into small balls. When I looked at my cooked noodle soup, I couldn’t really associate it with an origin because it was a bowl of noodle soup contained different ingredients from different nations! At first, I didn’t at all plan to blog about this bowl of noodle soup, because it was really simple and in fact, I kind of made it in a hurry to satisfy my hunger!

But, I couldn’t resist because it’s such a ‘globalised’ bowl of noodle soup, if I may say. The ingredients come from different countries – more than 4 countries on a world map! As a result of globalisation, we now can easily get ingredients originate from almost anywhere in the world.

There are certain ingredients that you don’t even have to make a special trip to Asian/Oriental supermarket. My local supermarket stores a lot of Asian ingredients, that they even sell my favourite mama instant noodles! If you fancy a bowl of warm, flavoursome and not too complicated noodle soup in a hurry, this recipe is for you!

Easy 15-Minute Noodle Soup

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2 persons


For the Easy 15-Minute Noodle Soup:

120g rice sticks
600ml chicken/vegetable stock
2 organic sausages, casing removed and shape into small balls
6 cabbage leaves, chunkily chopped
2 eggs
1 tsp Korean chili pepper powder
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds
salt and pepper


1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, put the rice sticks and cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Drain and rinse under cold running water. Set aside.

2. Bring the chicken stock to the boil, add the sausage balls and cook for 1-2 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Lower the heat and further cook for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, in another saucepan, poach 2 eggs.

3. Season the soup stick with salt and pepper. Add the Korean chili pepper powder. Divide equal portion of noodles in individual bowls, add the poached eggs. Then divide equal amount of sausage balls and cabbage into each bowl. Pour over piping hot stock. Sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds, if liked. Serve immediately.



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