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Cream & Cinnamon Tartlets


Cream & Cinnamon Tarlets

Prep Time:

Cook Time:


12 tartlets

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I  love lazy Sundays. Doing nothing else but making some cream and cinnamon tarlets for tea break. What could be better than appreciating a cup of Earl Grey or Infusion with some tartelettes/tarlets while reading the Sunday newspaper (trying to catch up with all the headlines).

Scanning through the bookshelf and picked up one of my French Dessert cookbooks, I randomly flipped through the pages and my eyes were fixed on the page where it says Mini-Tartelettes à la crème et à la Cannelle (Mini tarts with Cream and Cinnamon). Yum… I love Cinnamon.

Remember I made tartelettes/tarlets Les Petites Tartelettes au Fromage et aux Tomates before? But those are savoury tartelettes/tarlets. This time, tartelettes/tarlets are for dessert or rather afternoon tea. 🙂

So, I thought I would give it a try. They turned out really nice. There’s no other brilliant way to eat them over a cup of tea. Earl Grey is one of my favourites. J’adore le thé Earl Grey!

Cream & Cinnamon Tarlets

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

12 tartlets


For the Cream & Cinnamon Tarlets:

300g puff pastry
3 eggs
400ml double cream/single cream
30g butter
3-4 tbsp castor sugar
1 tsp cinnamon powder
icing sugar for decoration


1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees celcius. Butter tarlet mould. Roll out the puff pastry. It has to be 2mm in thickness.

2. Cut the puff pastry using a cookie cutter with a diameter of 8cm.Then, lay the cut pastry in the mould. Press the pastry against the mould to form a shape and press the edges with your thumbs.

3. Mix eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 400ml of double cream, 30g of butter and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix well with a whisk. Pour the mixture into the pastry that have been prepared in the mould. Bake for 20-25 minutes.


  • kate says:

    wow these look so classy. love the pictures.And love absolutely anything to so with puff pastry. I used some for my current post too .

  • Kristin says:

    Why Miss Tan, Pudding without me? tsk tsk…

    looks really yummy!

  • kate, thanks! I love anything with puff pastry too! I checked your current post… absolutely delicious! As I mentioned to you, I love berries…..!

    kristin, I will make you some different ones next time ok? thanks for dropping by!

  • John says:

    Love the blog. Please visit mine and leave your comments. It is mostly about Indian food, restaurants, street food, recipes and such. Your suggestions are very welcome.

  • okay for starters i need to step my picture game… i’m going to be forced
    to pull out boxes of plates, doilies, etc… to make my pics look as good as yours.

    and, working from home, eating tartlettes and having teat at 2 work just fine!

    Thanks for sharing (and oh yes, that okra polenta in Barbados was soo good!)

  • Mallika says:

    Happy Year of the Rat! Your photos look good enough to eat.

  • Pixie says:

    These sound and look wonderful. I really need to to have a look through all your lovely recipes.

    Am truly fortunate to not live far from Whitstable. I could have oysters every day!


  • [John] Thanks for your comment!

    [Flanboyant Eats] How cool that you work from home. I wish I could do that too!

    [Mallika] Thank you!

    [Pixie] Thank you for your compliment. I really wish I could have oysters everyday as long as they are fresh!

  • brilynn says:

    Stunning pics, those look delicious!

  • tingsting says:

    this is my first time on your website and it looks great! the tartlettes look so yummy and easy to make…but what is custard sugar? is it the same as custard powder?

  • [Brilynn] Thanks for your comment and dropping by!

    [Tingsting] Thanks for dropping by! Sorry for the confusion, it was supposed to be castor sugar instead of custard sugar! Well spotted!! It was a typing error. Castor sugar is equivalent to superfine sugar.

  • Nazarina A says:

    I have donned my hat, pulled on my white gloves, a really chic dress, because nothing else would do for these chic little tarts and tea! Just beautiful!

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