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Malaysia in London


Malaysia in London

I am happy … so happy that Malaysia Week London events officially kicked off today at Potters Fields Park in Tooley Street, (nearest tube station is London Bridge). Just came back about 45 minutes ago, and had satisfied my tastebuds with Satay and Roti Canai! What else could I ask for?

Not only there are food stalls, there are also plenty of Malaysian arts and crafts on offer. Apart from that, there are also live performances from three main ethnic groups in Malaysia; Indian, Chinese and Malay.

If you stay in London or not too far from London, it’s worth a visit as you will learn Malaysian art, culture, music and food. Or if you are Malaysian, you will be glad to savour the authentic Malaysian food and that will make you feel at home. Malaysia Week in London starts from today 30/07/2008 until 03/08/2008. Check out the events and activities here. Those that live in other parts of the world, watch this space as I have some photos (especially food) to share soon!


  • Su-Lin says:

    I’m definitely tempted to visit this weekend…. 🙂

  • I am not sure if there is a malaysian week in Los Angeles, but well, great, at least they are trying to do something. 😉

  • Farina says:

    I so envy you. Those people in London always seem to be organising something unlike here in OC/LA. If there are, it will be either a paid dinner (or for invited guest only!) or a golfing event.

  • Su-Lin,
    Let me know what you think after your visit!

    Apprently it’s held once every year in London. Like you said, it’s great that they are at least trying to do something so that people get to know Malaysia and its culture and of course, food! 🙂

    Yeah, as I mentioned, this event is held once every year (I just got to know this by talking to the exhibitors).

  • beachlover says:

    I’m waiting for your delicious food pix..enjoy your malaysia day in london:P

  • Subhie says:

    hi….ur blog is v nice…and ur photos and nice…i jux start a bog…but my pics r not tat grt….anyway am frm malaysia…and live in middlesex ….which part r u?

  • My Cooking Hut says:


    Thanks for dropping by and your kind words! I live in London, very near to Tower Bridge.

  • Shahrul Zariah Md Sharif says:


    Would appreciate if you could tell me a bit on the Malaysia Week in London 2008. It will be great if you could put up some pic on the exhibitors, locations, people, etc.

    This might helping me in my preparation in doing the same event in Rome. Need your info to help me or you may contact me via my email add. Pls, i really need your feed back & info about past event.


  • Anna says:

    Great post. I have been searching for this exact info for a while now. I will bookmark it in the public bookmarking sites to get you more traffic.

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