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Soba Noodle in Kombu Dashi with Teriyaki Salmon


Soba Noodle in Kombu Dashi with Teriyaki Salmon

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2-3 persons

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Oh.. I didn’t realise I still have some soba noodles left in the larder. In fact, there are certain things that I have almost forgotten that I bought probably a while ago! It’s good to clear out the larder from time to time. However, this time, I had to clear out my fridge, freezer and larder for mostly perishable items or almost near to the expiry date as I will be moving to a new place (still in London) on Wednesday!

Yes, as hard as I could imagine, it’s only 3 days left before we move!! I need to make use of the internet as I will be living without the broadband for maybe 1-2 weeks. (It’s gonna be horrible, but I will try my best to check out your latest blog post and also response to comments).

For the past few days, we have been really busy packing and throwing stuff (that we don’t need anymore) away! I never realised that there are so many things until I counted the boxes!! There is huge number of boxes that are tagged ‘kitchen’… hahah.. yes!! quite a number of boxes. I think we have packed most of our stuff, just a few that we have to put in our bags at the very last minute. Then, we are good to go!!

So, it was because I was clearing out the fridge, freezer and larder, I found some ingredients that I thought would make good combo – Soba noodle soup with teriyaki salmon!! I made Soba Noodle & Five-Spice Pork Salad about a month ago. This month, it’s a soup dish that makes a slight difference!

If you are new to Soba noodles, this could be a very simple but delicious dish to try to enjoy! This Japanese noodles are made of buckwheat flour. The soup base that I use is dashi broth. To be more specific, it’s kombu (dried kelp) dashi. Dashi is Japanese stock that is used widely as soup, dipping sauce, and simmered dishes. There are many types of dashi such as kombu (dried kelp), katsuo-bushi (dried bonito) flakes, niboshi (dried small sardines), hoshi-shiitake (dried shiitake mushrooms),… etc.

You could use also use Tsuyu, which is one of my favourites too. In fact, hot Soba is also often served as a noodle soup in a bowl of hot tsuyu. The hot tsuyu in this instance is thinner than that used as a dipping sauce for chilled soba. Tsuyu is made of a mixture of dashi, sweetened soya sauce and mirin. If you don’t want to make it from scratch, you can easily get it from Chinese or Japanese supermarkets.

Teriyaki salmon is probably no stranger to you. You can make the sauce yourself or grab a ready made in a bottle from most supermarkets. I do suggest to make from scratch as it’s really simple and it tastes better! Give this Soba noodle soup with Teriyaki salmon a try, you’ll love it. Till then, I will have more new postings after I have settled in! Actually, I am really looking forward to move as the kitchen is much bigger 😉 (it’s really really important for me!)

Soba Noodle in Kombu Dashi with Teriyaki Salmon

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

2-3 persons


For the Soba Noodle in Kombu Dashi with Teriyaki Salmon:

7g dried kombu (seaweed/kelp)
800ml water

200g soba
300g salmon fillet
1 tbsp sake
4 tbsp soya sauce
4 tbsp mirin
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
some goji berries
1-2 tsp toasted sesame seeds


1. To make kombu dashi, soak the dried kelp/seaweed in water for 2 hours. Put the kombu and water in a cooking pot. Put on medium heat. Turn off the heat when the water comes to a boil. Then, remove the kombu with a strainer. The remaining liquid is your kombu dashi.

2. Cook the soba according to the packet. Drain and set aside.

3. To make teriyaki salmon, marinate salmon with sake, soya sauce, mirin, and sugar for 10 minutes. Then, heat up a pan and add the sunflower oil. Put the salmon skin side down and cook for 3 minutes or until crispy and brown. Turn and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes. Pour any remaining sauce over.

4. Remove from the heat. To serve, heat up the broth. Divide equal portion of soba into individual bowls. Lardle good amount of dashi over. Garnish with goji berries if desired. Place the teriyaki salmon on top of the noodles. Sprinkle with some toasted sesame seeds.


  • noobcook says:

    Adding teriyaki salmon is such a great way to complement the soba noodles. Happy shifting ^o^

  • lk says:

    This is such a healthy yet delicious meal to my family! For my case, when shifting frm KL to Singapore, most of the boxes (almost 2/3)were tagged as “book”. Hahaha!

  • limpepsi says:

    I am going to shift as well! I could imagine that I will have the same case like you- many ‘kitchen’ boxes. We just love kitchen & food. Haha…

  • Gertrude says:

    I have yet to eat my dinner and wish I can have a bowl of the noodles now. Good Luck with the move.

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    I agree! Thanks!! I hope the moving is going to be smooth!

    I really didn’t realise that I have so many stuff as ‘books’ and ‘kitchen’ if I hadn’t been packing for the move!

    What a coincidence!! I hope your move is going be smooth! And yes, we just love food and kitchen… 🙂

    I wish I could offer you a bowl….. ok, here it is ‘virtually’… 🙂 Thanks!! I hope I will settle in soon!

  • Wow! That looks so delicious. Hope the move went well and no hiccups with the broadband! I had such a horrible broadband experience – but to be totally honest not being to get online for days at a time is a bit nice. Inconvenient, but relaxing.

  • tigerfish says:

    I love soba and the teriyaki salmon just completed it as a nutritious meal 🙂

    Happy moving!

  • this dish a really healthy and delicious!! wish hubby and Mishu wanna to eat healthy food!! I guess you’re moving to a bigger place,that mean bigger kitchen right?.good luck!

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    I really hope that I will get my Broadband connection soon! Apparently, next Monday is the day! *fingers crossed*
    I do agree with you on the ‘relaxing and inconvenient’ bit 🙂

    Thank you! Finally have moved into the new place.. but still need time to settle in.. just a bit weird in the new place being not used to everything.. LOL..
    I hope to get back online soon!!

    Thank you! Maybe you can make and let them try, who knows they might like it?
    Yes – bigger kitchen… so more cooking 🙂

  • Su-Lin says:

    I am craving your fried fish and chips but I know this is really what I should be eating – much healthier! 😀

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Eat this one then fish and chips another day. 🙂

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