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Mini Fruit Cakes


Mini Fruit Cakes

Prep Time:

Cook Time:


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I have been on vacation. Got back two days ago and was slightly jet-lagged! We were in NYC. Even though it was just for a short stay but it was overall really good! NYC is such a buzzing city! Well, before I got too excited and go into more details, I thought I would share with you guys about my trip in my next post with some photos that I took!

It snowed on the days we left NYC. It reminds me the snow storm in London at the beginning of February! That gives me the inspiration to bake something that assembles snowy day yet gives an idea of serving it with a hot cup of beverage. You know what I really like? Yeah, I love my cakes, mini ones! Even though I am not a heavy tea drinker, I like to dip my cakes in Earl Grey tea without any sugar in it.

My mom bakes a lot. She likes to bake fruit cakes that we all love. I remember she would stock up good quality of dried mixed fruits and different sizes of moulds for her fruits cakes! I need to get hold of her recipe. This time, I use a recipe that I found in one of my cookbooks. They are great but I still think mom’s fruit cakes are even better!

Not letting to drool any longer. Here’s my mini fruit cakes recipe. Next time, I will get my mom’s recipe and share with you guys!

Mini Fruit Cakes

Prep Time:

Cook Time:



For the Mini Fruit Cakes:

180g flour
125g granulated sugar
125g soft butter
2 eggs
150g dried mixed fruits, chopped
1 tsp yeast
30g butter


1. Put the mixed fruits in a bowl. Add in 1 tbsp of flour and mix. Use muffin mould, grease the mould with butter.

2. Preheat the oven with 210°C. Put the flour and yeast into a bowl. Then, put the butter in another bowl and add the sugar, mix for 3-4 minutes. Then, add the eggs one at a time and keep on mixing.

3. Add half of the flour and mix. When it’s all well mixed, add the other half of the flour and the mixed fruits. Mix well

4. Lay the muffin case in the mould and fill two-thirds full. Put in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes or until the cakes are golden brown. Leave the cakes on cooling rack to let them cold before serving.



  • Vanille says:

    Please one for me ! They are cute..
    Can’t wait to see your pics about you New York trip !

  • noobcook says:

    Your mini fruit cakes are so cute and fluffy. Lovely photos 🙂

  • Dimah says:

    These are so cute!

  • Mike says:

    lovely little cakes, I want one!!

  • limpepsi says:

    I notice that you use yeast for your fruit cakes instead of using baking powder or baking soda. Better taste with yeast?

  • (( K@Y )) says:

    My mom loves eating fruit cake.
    Oh yea it snow but pretty much melt within 2 days.

  • Gertrude says:

    I love fruit cake too but its hard to find good fruit cake here in the US. In fact I brought some back with me from KL. Sorry I was not around when you were in NY if not I would to see you too 🙂

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    You can have one or more!!

    Thank you! 🙂

    Thank you! 🙂

    Please help yourself 🙂

    I think it makes the cake more fluffy and not too compact.

    I love fruit cakes so much that I ate so much when my mom bakes.. Ahhh.. so the snow stayed only 2 days..

    Nice!! I hope when I go back to Malaysia next time, I will bring some too! Yeah!! would have been a good opportunity to meet you when I was in NY!!

  • your fruit cake really look good and easy! too bad nobody at home will eat fruit cake..maybe I will bake some for friends next time..

  • Charming says:

    Love the cute cupcakes with the cherry on top! I love little cakes too, easy to serve and eat. Thanks for sharing.

  • lk says:

    These mini cakes are definitely my son’s favourite. So fluffy and moist! Looking forward to your mom’s recipe. Btw, r u using unsalted butter? Can I use castor sugar to replace granulated sugar? 😉

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Over here, Arnaud is always the one who will finish the cakes… 🙂

    I like to bake small individual cakes. Like you said, it’s easier to serve and eat.

    Yes, I use unsalted butter. Not a problem to use castor sugar at all. 🙂

  • I love everything mini…somehow it just makes the food you are eating a lot more appetizing. Made some mini steamed chicken buns today myself. 😉

  • Jesse says:

    Oh WOW, I am SO impressed! Your pictures are lovely, and those mini cakes… yum!!! Love your blog!

  • I love how simple this recipe is. I’m sure the yeasted batter makes it taste extra special!

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Yup… mini stuff are great! Steamed chicken buns… must be real good!

    Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

    Yes – I think yeasted batter is better 🙂

  • Greg says:

    I’m not big on cupcakes. (I know blasphemy these days.) But these just look so delicious. Love the cherry flourish.

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