Lamb's Lettuce & Crispy Bacon Salad

Something simple, quick, and light that suits my palate would be great. I don’t feel the summer has arrived, so I want to make it feel like one! I question myself when I look at the weather forecast, “Where has the UK’s summer gone??” I probably should put in some effort to understand the term “English Summer” by now. I am not putting in more hope, I will accept the fact that there’s no summer this year as Autumn/Winter Collection has already arrived.

I may sound pathetic. I never have to complain about not seeing the sun for ages but now I am in the position of asking such question. I used to complain how warm it was in Malaysia and I wished we had colder climate. And now, I wish we have warmer climate in the UK. Grass is always greener at the other side!

Gale is probably a word that has never been used in Malaysian weather forecast. I hate the howl of the gale. I hate to be outside when there’s this very strong gust of wind! Could you imagine a day in “summer” with gale that almost blown the newspapers away from my hands when I was reading it in an open space? Even how tidy my hair, it ended up tangled and messy by the time I reached home! Enough of my side of story about how “great” my “summer” is so far….

So, to make it as summery as possible, I opted for some really fresh ingredients. Something that is suitable to create the summer feel. Lamb’s Lettuce is probably one of my favourite leaves in salad. With crispy bacon, I think it makes them perfect match! I ended up with Lamb’s Lettuce & Crispy Bacon Salad.

Lamb’s Lettuce & Crispy Bacon Salad is very easy to prepare, no cooking required except to pan fried the bacon until crispy. I usually trim most of the fat so that it’s less greasy and more healthy. 😀

Lamb's Lettuce & Crispy Bacon Salad

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Prep Time:
20 minutes

Cook Time:
30 minutes

4 servings


For the Lamb’s Lettuce & Crispy Bacon Salad:

4 bacon strips
200g cherry plum tomatoes, halved
1x 250g packet of lamb’s lettuce
2 radishes, sliced

For the Dressings:

2 tbsp orange juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
a pinch of salt


1. In a pan over medium high heat, fry the bacon strips until golden brown and set aside to cool.

2. Put cherry plum tomatoes, lamb’s lettuce and radishes in a salad bowl, give it a good toss. Meanwhile put all the ingredients of the dressings in a jar, cover with a lid and give it a good shake, set aside.

3. Divide equal portion of salad onto individual plates, top with the bacon strips and drizzle generous amount of the dressing over. Serve at room temperature.



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