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Cheese & Onion Quiche


Cheese & Onion Quiche

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

4-6 persons

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Remember my post on Spinach & Blue Cheese quiche? Here is another one that I made – Cheese & Onion quiche. By now, you should probably know that I love quiches and tarts! Cheese & Onion quiche is easier to prepare and make as you could tell from its name.

Cheese & Onion quiche is another kind of food that I like to bring as lunch. Savoury quiches and tarts can either be eaten cold or warm. If you make a big cheese & onion quiche and there’s left over for lunch, it could well be a great lunchbox idea.

In this case, cheese & onion quiche then has to be eaten cold or at room’s temperature. I like to accompany my cheese & onion quiche with some salad leaves. You can make a simple salad dressings like the one I used in Salad Campagnarde-style, for example. Then, put the dressings in a small container and drizzle over the salad leaves when it’s time to eat else the salad leaves would be too soggy. It’s really easy as you can see there are only a few lines of ingredients! So, cheese & onion quiche could be another quick meal for busy people. 🙂

Cheese & Onion Quiche

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

4-6 persons


For the Cheese & Onion Quiche:

1 ready made shortcrust pastry
25g butter
500g onions, peeled and finely sliced
2 eggs
280ml double cream
140g mature cheddar or gruyère cheese, grated


1. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a round about 5cm larger than a 25cm tin. Use your rolling pin to lift it up, then drape over the tart case so there is an overhang of pastry on the sides.

2. Using a small ball of pastry scraps, push the pastry into the corners of the tin. Chill in the fridge or freezer for 20 mins.

3. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. While the pastry is chilling, heat the butter in a pan and cook the onions for 20 mins, stirring occasionally, until they become sticky and golden. Remove from the heat.

4. Lightly prick the base of the tart with a fork, line the tart case with a large circle of greaseproof paper or foil, then fill with baking beans. Blind-bake the tart for 20 mins, remove the paper and beans, then continue to cook for 5-10 mins until biscuit brown.

5. Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl, then gradually add the cream. Stir in the onions and half the cheese, then season with salt and pepper. Carefully tip the filling into the case, sprinkle with the rest of the cheese, then bake for 20-25 mins until set and golden. Leave to cool in the case, trim the edges of the pastry, then remove and serve in slices.


  • limpepsi says:

    Hmmm…delicious lunch!
    It sounds quite simple to make quiche when short crust pastry is ready made. I got to find out if short crust pastry can be purchased in local supermarkets. Thanks for sharing!


  • Gertrude says:

    That look delicious. This is something I like to make for our weekend lunch. Its quick and easy especially if you use store bought pastry and for the filling you can just put about anything in it 🙂

  • limpepsi,
    Thank you! It’s really quick and easy to make as I usually buy the ready-rolled pastry. I believe you can easy get this from the supermarkets!

    Yes, you are right – can basically put anything you want for the filling 🙂 I personally love Blue Cheese & Spinach… it’s the match of heaven 🙂

  • lk says:

    Looks simple and delicious enough for a novice like me. Can’t resist to have a bite :P. Hehehe…! Can I replace mature cheddar with other cheese?

  • I love Quiche, especially mushrooms and spinach ones…yummy. Love the crust.

  • lk,
    You can gureye or mozzarella… any hard/medium hard cheese would be suitable I reckon.

  • Rasa Malaysia,
    I have not tried mushroom & spinach. Should be as delicious 🙂

  • now you make me itchy wanna to bake me own quiche!!lol!! your look so savoury delicious!

  • Kevin says:

    That looks so good! I like the cheese and onion combo.

  • tigerfish says:

    I seldom eat quiche and never made any before. Looks like a good time to revisit….quiche!

  • beachloverkitchen,
    Hehe.. try to bake one and let me know what you think!!

    Yes, cheese & onion is a great combo!

    Yup. Definitely! I don’t make it too often but once in a while is good, for a change!

  • nazmin says:

    hi. just wanted to ask, roughly how many people would you say can eat from the quantity you made?

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Thanks for dropping by! First, I apologise for not mentioning how many people this dish serves. I would say 5-6 people.

  • Crystal says:

    None of the other commenters mention actually making the quiche! I did today – and the results were spectacular. But making it was a bit of a surprise.

    I used these conversions:
    1 9″ ready made piecrust
    2 Tbsp Butter
    2 Medium Onions, halved and finely sliced
    2 Eggs
    1 1/4 cups Heavy Cream (I wish I had access to double cream)
    2/3 cup Aged Cheddar (or Gruyère cheese) coarsely grated)

    The flavors were nicely balanced, the proportions worked out perfectly, and it fed 2 adults, one child, with leftovers (along with a green salad.) We served it at room temperature, on our back patio, with a nice chardonnay.


  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Thank you for dropping by and I am glad to hear that the result was great! I believe double cream and heavy cream are the same? (Maybe not?)
    This recipe is so simple yet so delicious and satisfying!!
    Of course, with nice chardonnay is even better! 🙂

    • Juliet says:

      Heavy cream and double cream are different animals. In America, heavy cream is what we would call single cream in England, it is very thin, whereas double cream, depending on the brand, can be thick enough to eat with a spoon! Oh how I wish we could get English cream/dairy products here in America, it would make a couple of ex-pats very happy!

      • mycookinghut says:

        Thank you for dropping by and the info! I didn’t know that heavy cream and double cream are 2 different things! I guess in making quite, it would be double cream to use in America then.

  • michelle says:

    hi i have made quiche before but it didnt set can any one say why before i try making this cheese and onion one cheers

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    Hi Michelle,
    I am not too sure why the quiche couldn’t set. As I have never encountered this before. The ingredients like eggs and double cream shouldn’t have any problem to be set once baked.

  • Juliet says:

    Hi, me again. Heavy cream is the best you can get in the US, but I used it today and the quiche was really great, thanks for the recipe which was so simple. I made my own pastry and added a little parmesan to it. I try to avoid store bought goods. In fact it was quicker than going to the store!

    • mycookinghut says:

      Hi Juliet,
      Ohh I see. It's great that the quiche turned out great! I like it very much too! Definitely a good idea to add parmesan to the pastry, I think I will to do this next time. And I do agree that homemade pastry is definitely better! 🙂

  • Trophywife says:

    I made this today but it didnt set! i even put slightly less double cream (my calorie counting side didnt feel comfortable with the whole pot!) and less onions but it was quite runny 🙁

    • mycookinghut says:

      I am sorry to hear that it didn't set. I believe it could be the double cream that caused this. As I made it according to the recipe and didn't have problem.

  • rachael says:

    do you still need to blind bake the crust if it is a readymade one ?

  • Thomas says:

    hiya, im making one at the moment and was wondering if it matters if u use cream, before i went to use my cream i relised it was a little off so i used milk instead? im a 17 year old boy lol do u think it will turn out a disaster?

  • sharon says:

    MMMMM,,,, think i may have a go at this one today nice quiche salad tea in the garden tonight 🙂

  • grant says:

    is there a dried bean that i can use to blind bake as i have no baking beans ,,,

  • demi says:

    did i read rightt 5 onions for 1 quiche ???

  • Haha786 says:

    i have made this lots of times and every time they taste as good as the first

  • Samantha Jh says:

    can i use milk as i have no cream

  • Jobless Girl says:

    Lovely Cheese & Onion Quiche. I like it.

  • frenchie says:

    Try adding a little garlic it’s fab.
    Best ever.

  • Rehana says:

    Hi I don’t understand how to blind bake the pastry? Do u just put loads of rice or beans on to the greaseproof paper or do u have to put a certain amount of rice on? And can u re-use the rice next time.

  • Penny Swift says:

    I’ve made lots of different types of quiche including spinach and feta with single cream – which in South Africa is only a little thicker than milk. I am busy baking an onion, lettuce and leek quiche and have mixed milk with extra thick cream (I suppose our version of double … it’s extraordinarily thick and new on the shelves). I’m using cheddar for the first time because it was all I had and people are dropping by. Hoping it doesn’t end up too oily. I have never blind baked my quiches and they really are delis; but I do use quite a thin pastry – usually a ready made puff pastry that ends up more like shortcrust, probably because it hasn’t been blind baked.

  • Lorraine Young says:

    I have just made this making my own cheese shortcrust pastry and also adding English mustard to the egg, onion,cream and cheese its delicious,.


    Just about to make this , sounds lovely , think I might eat just myself , everyone else can have something different 🙂

  • Shanaz says:

    Hi! I tried this today and it was yummy! I used single cream instead of double and half of everything as I only had a smaller pastry case.. Baked for 25 mins exactly and it was spot on! Sliced tomatoes on top for some colour!.. Mmmmm saved this recipe!!

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