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Chawan Mushi (Japanese Egg Custard)


Chawan Mushi (Japanese Egg Custard)

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

4 persons

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There’s no reservation from me to agree to that chawan mushi wa oishii desu! Chawan Mushi is delicious!

Chawan Mushi 茶碗蒸し is the Japanese version of steamed eggs or it’s rather called savoury egg custard. I like Japanese food and culture that I used to learn Japanese but I quit after completed the first stage as it was really tough, especially not on a full-time basis. I have forgotten how to write Hiragana and Katagana. A shame really. I wish that I could write in Japanese because I find the characters really nice and the language sounds beautiful too.

Chawan mushi is similar to the Chinese steamed eggs that many Chinese households we make. I am sure you will agree to this if you come from Chinese background. Steamed eggs is such a common dish amongst other dishes that are served on the table with rice, be it for lunch or dinner! Steamed eggs is probably the easiest to make in the kitchen! For Chinese steamed eggs, ingredients like minced pork, minced chicken, chopped prawns are used. Sometimes, it’s made plain and sprinkled with spring onions.

I am a Japanese food lover and I really like the their healthy way of cooking and eating. When I go to the Japanese restaurants, I will never miss Sashimi and Sushi. Of course, the cooked dishes too. Chawan Mushi is one of the dishes that I like amongst so many other recipes in the Japanese cookbooks that I have. Harumi’s is one of my favourites! Even my Japanese hairdresser reckons she is good!

As the name suggest, chawan mushi is usually served in a small tea bowl. Thus, chawan Mushi is suitable to be served as starter or a side dish. Such a pretty and cute dish that is easy to make. For my chawan mushi, I choose to use Shiitake mushrooms and prawns. You can put any ingredients that you can possibly think of.

Now, let’s go to your kitchen and see how we can prepare this yummy chawan mushi!

Chawan Mushi (Japanese Egg Custard)

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

4 persons


For the Chawan Mushi (Japanese Egg Custard):

Egg custards:
1 tsp chicken granules
250ml hot water
3 eggs
6 prawns, diced
1 Shiitake mushroom, diced
some chopped spring onions to garnish

2 tbsp hot water
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
some white pepper


1. To make the custard, dissolve the chicken granules in the hot water and leave for a few minutes to cool.In another bowl, beat the eggs. Add to the chicken stock and mix well.

2. Strain through a sieve to get smooth texture. Divide the prawns and mushrooms into 4 small cups and pour the egg mixture.

3. Put the cups in the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes until cooked. The custard should be firm to touch.

4. Make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients specified. When the custards are ready, remove from the steamer and pour a little of the sauce onto each one. Then, garnish with some spring onions. Serve hot as starter or as a side dish.


  • Nilmandra says:

    I miss chawanmushi so much. It’s one of my favourite Japanese food items and I always order it at restaurants. Not so much here in the UK thought because Japanese food is so expensive. I really must make this at home some time, instead of just Chinese steamed egg 🙂

  • Christine says:

    Oh I do love this dish – it’s so simple and homey. I really like your presentation here – such beautiful plates and cups. The Viet version of this uses annatto seeds for an orange/crimson color on top of the custard. We top ours with green onion also.

  • [Nilmandra] I miss chawanmushi that’s why I made it 🙂 You are right that Japanese food is expensive in the UK. Somehow, there are some reasonable ones you can find in London. There’s one called Sakura in Regent Street that we usually go. It’s authentic and reasonably priced!

    [Christine] It’s really simple and tasty! I am curious to see the Viet version!

  • Pixie says:

    Hi there,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a wonderful food recommendation! Thank You so Much! I love Japanese food and can’t wait to try this. 🙂 On to look at your dessert. 🙂


  • Pix,
    I am a Japanese food craze too! No problem, it’s my pleasure to share good food experience/recipes 🙂
    Will share more yummy Japanese food 🙂

  • helen says:

    Your photos are gorgeous.

    I usually judge the quality of a Japanese restaurant by the quality of their chawan mushi or tamago nigiri. What I should really do is to learn to make my own. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  • arnaud says:

    beautiful pictures and easy recipe. Tasted very good too !

  • Helen,
    Thank you for dropping by and your comment. No problem for the recipe, I learn this and share 🙂 Chawan Mushi is so easy to make, so give it a try!

  • Arnaud,
    Thank you for your comment. It was indeed yummY!

  • Kevin says:

    Those look tasty! Chawan mushi has been on my to try list for a while now.

  • Kevin,
    Thanks for your comment. You should try it out as it’s really simple. I dropped by your blog and you have many wonderful Japanese dishes. I will take my time to browse through this weekend!!

  • jun says:

    me n family r crazy bout japanese food too..this is my doter’s fav…gonna try ur recipe later..a bit different from what i did last time..ada sos eh? hmm…dah boleh rasa ni, hehe

  • My Cooking Hut says:

    yeah.. ni ada sos… memang sedap.. cuba la! hehehe.

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