Happy New Year from Hong Kong!

Happy 2014! I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a wonderful year ahead!

I have been neglecting this blog for quite a while. It has been more than one month since we left London for Hong Kong. Things have been really busy and hectic for the past few weeks as we moved from our temporary accomodation to a permanent one. There are so many things to do to make our home ‘feel home’. Relocating to a new city is proven not easy, though exciting. It’s going to take another few weeks before I could start my new daily routine.

Well, I could have written this post much earlier but I sold my old iMac before we left. So, I had to rely on my only iPhone to stay “connected”. There are  just so many things in my head, yet I don’t know where to begin.

A few days after arriving in Hong King, I wasn’t in my best shape – change of time zone, new place, new bed + pillow… etc. It took me quite a good number of days to switch to local time. Living in a new city means I have a lot of questions that start with when, how, what, where, which… it wasn’t nice to feel lost. Having lived in London for so many years, things are pretty much at my fingertips. It could be frustrated sometimes. But, I am glad that my best friend Google, is always there for me. We are now BFF!

It’s almost impossible to live without having a smartphone. I am pretty much relying on it to get me from one place to another. Sometimes, when I have no idea where to have my lunch/dinner, it comes to my rescue! Without it, I wouldn’t have learnt what I know so far about Hong Kong. I still have so much to explore, to learn, to eat, to see, to go…

I am eager to get back to cooking, writing recipes and sharing with you guys. The thing is, all our stuff have yet arrived! So, we are now living with just our essentials. Hopefully by early next week, I will reunite with my kitchenware, gadgets, props etc!

One thing for sure, I miss cooking and eating my own food. So does Arnaud. We have never been eating out so much like what we have been doing for the past few weeks – we will suffer from hunger in Hong Kong! Food is pretty much everywhere, from very cheap to very expensive.  I have never been eating so much of Ramen. Hong Kongers seem very passionate about Japanese food – Japanese restaurants are at every corner. As far as Ramen is concerned, I have tried a few places and I want to try a few more and share with you guys what I think.

I haven’t been taking a lot of photos. They are mostly taken with my iPhone. But, I am sure I will have loads to share soon! Meanwhile, I hope you all have been keeping well and I can’t wait to be back to my usual blogging routine.


Back On Track!


Blogger Day & A Cookery Masterclass