Salon De L'Agriculture Paris

This post was meant to be posted a long long time ago… it was more than a year we went to Salon de l’Agriculture in Paris. It can be called a food festival but a lot more than that! It a big exhibition of anything from livestock to food, wine and more.

You will find exhibition hall that is dedicated to prize-winning animals from different regions in France. Of course, a huge hall that accommodates all the farmers and vendors of wine, cheese, ..etc. It’s a annual event that takes place from the end of February to the beginning of March. If you are a serious foodie, this is an event that you shouldn’t miss!

Last year we went  to Salon de l’Agriculture for the first time and it was awesome! I didn’t make it this year but hopefully will be making another trip next year.

We first checked out the hall where they kept the livestock. Different breeds of sheeps, cows, chickens, … you name it they have it. It’s amazing to see all the different breeds of animals that I had never seen before. Each year, the best breeds are given medals for its meat, milk, wool, etc. Below photo shows 2 medals given to the sheeps – 3rd prize for the meat and 2nd prize for the wool.

As we stepped into another building, I could sense food! Food, oh glorious food was not too far away! In the food exhibition hall, it suddenly struck me how much in love French people are with their food – just as much as how we Malaysian people love food – talking about food, eat at least 5 times a day, never tired of cooking and eating – feeling so in love everyday when we eat, cook, talk (or even dream) about food! That’s probably why I feel so connected to France, a wider horizon of a food nation!

All the fabulous products that I saw at the food hall just blew my mind away! I wanted to taste all of them! Apart from food, I spoiled myself with some really good wine too. Being a completely novice in wine, I was glad to learn about Corsican wine – really a well kept secret!

One of the highlights of the event was to see how the baguettes are being made from scratch! Those guys have been making baguettes for years, the patience and love they have in them are the result of those good baguettes! I felt really lucky to eat one that was fresh from the oven – crispy on the outside and fluffy inside!

There were just too many things to see, apart from food, a dance performance by some lovely Tahitian girls!

A great trip, not only to indulge in food and wine, it is great to see Paris, a city that I love and never get bored of returning!


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