Hello & Happy New Year!

It has been half a year since I last updated my blog. Time flew pass so quick that we are on the last day of 2015! Not too sure if anyone still drops by. Thank you if you do!

2015 has been such a whirlwind of a year – adjusting my life into motherhood, work, cooking (for us and the little one), traveling to a few places… it has been fulfilling!

In April, my mother-in-law came and stayed with us for a month. We took a trip to Okinawa, such a nice place with so slow pace which was what we needed! Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is probably the most amazing aquarium I’ve visited in my entire life!

I was back to work in May. It was quite difficult to get myself adjusted to working life after taking more than half a year off. It has been a very different but amazing experience in my life. I’ve learnt so much about being a mother. Looking back, we had so many questions at many different stages. Mr. Google was our best friend and still is! We are lucky to have a helper. It would have been difficult without any help.

One of the few hikes we did in HK, one of the toughest one must be at Lion Rock Country Park. Not only the route was steep but it was in August. So hot and so humid!

We celebrated our anniversary and had an amazing 3-course lunch at the Caprice and still managed to finish that cheese platter! Oh boy! We’ve never been so full!

In September, we flew to France. It was nice to see family and friends. To introduce our little Léo to everyone. Such a joy to have him even though travelling is not the same again. ? We were in Nice, Caen and Paris. Time flew too quick that I wish I could stay longer! In Nice, we tried a restaurant we’ve never been, called La Merenda – a tiny restaurant but food was scrumptious! And of course, how could we missed Chez Palmyre.

Paris, is of course, another of our favourite city.

We made a trip to Malaysia to see my family and to introduce our little one. It was a trip with lots of food and laughter. Spent a few days in Penang, which means more food. It wasn’t just about food as we did some tourist stuff too!

Then, our little boy celebrated his first birthday in November! I have never thought it would be so quick! He was only about 3 months plus when I mentioned about him in my post back in February. I still remember how sleep deprived I was for the first few months. I am sure those who have gone through the same experience would be able to understand! Having said that, those sleepless night are well worth – looking at how my little contented one has grown!

Cold December, we were in Beijing for a few days. First time being there, the first impressive was “It’s massive”! Tiananmen Square, Great Wall and Summer Palace and a few other places were all we did. I will write more about it.

Wow! What a year! 

I’m sure, 2016, is another promising new beginning. Happy Near Year to you all!


Yangon & The Strand


Koh Samui & Vana Belle